5 Januari 2016
1. The government plans to announce its tenth economic policy package next week, before President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo leaves the country to attend the ASEAN-US Summit in the US from Feb. 15 – 16.
2. The prestigious Jakarta-Bandung high speed train project is facing delay as PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (PT KCIC), the joint-venture company working on the project has not obtained the concession agreement from the Ministry of Transportation.
3. The Ministry of Health released travel advisory for Indonesians wishing to travel abroad which consists of information on how to avoid Zika virus. In the travel advisory, people are urged to avoid mosquito bites during their visit in the countries with Zika virus pandemic.
4. Some 20 thousand workers plan to stage a rally outside the State Palace on Saturday to lodge three demands.”(The demands are) first, stop layoffs; second, revoke government regulation number 78 of 2015; and third, return the negotiating rights of labor unions with the government,” President of the
Confederation of Indonesian Labor Union (KSPI)
5. Police find 14 victim of illegal kodney selling. General Crimes Directorate National Police Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) bring one box document after rummage in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). It contained 14 patients information.
6. The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) says there will be ample demand for workers in manufacturing from foreign investors this year, allaying concerns on rising unemployment numbers in the country after Japanese electronic giants Panasonic and Toshiba closed their plants.
7. Swedish furniture giant IKEA recently lost the trademark to its own name in Indonesia after a Jakarta court ruled against them in a lawsuit filed by a company from Surabaya and the Supreme Court rejected their appeal of the ruling. IKEA, whose name is an abbreviation of “Ingvar Kamprad from Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd” (the name of IKEA’s founder and his boyhood home), lost the trademark to a company from Surabaya, PT Ratania Equator, who registered the IKEA trademark as an acronym for “Intan Khatulistiwa Esa Abadi”.
8. The Indonesian Retail Association has agreed to start charging Rp200 for the use of a plastic bag as a container at shopping centers to decrease plastic waste. “All modern retail stores will start a trial for the program from February 21 till June as the Ministry of Forestry and Environment has published a letter about controlling plastic waste,” the Chairman of the Association, Roy Mandey
9. Spokesperson of Jakarta Metro Police, Sr. Comr. Muhammad Iqbal, said that the police have found new evidence in the case of Wayan Mirna Salihin’s death during a search at Jessica Kumala Wongso’s house, yesterday, February 3.
10. Former House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Setya Novanto finally fulfilled summon from Attorney General’s Office (AGO). Novanto is examined as a witness over recorded conversation between him, businessman Riza Chalid and PT Freeport Indonesia.
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